Monday 18 May 2015

'Choice' Location Reece - A2 Film Studies

Location Recce – ‘Choice’


This is an introduction to the locations that I will be filming in for my film project ‘Prospects’. I will be discussing the reasons for my choice of locations and how I will be using these locations in my five-minute film based on the stereotypes of lower class teenage males. I looked at films such as ‘Kidulthood’ and ‘Harry Brown’ which inspired me to use the locations I have chosen.


Location 1 – Side Street outside abandoned garages

This location will feature in the opening scene of my five-minute film production. I felt that this location was useful for me because I can easily illustrate the representations of my characters through using this location in the right way. In this location, Olario will be physically and verbally intimidating Jamie into taking a knife. I will be trying to reflect ideas of how Jamie feels isolated and scared. I will be using as many different shots and editing techniques as possible throughout this location, including close-ups, extreme close-ups, shot reverse shot and match on action in order to show all the emotion that Jamie feels throughout the scene. This scene will feature mostly non-diegetic sound with little diegetic sound. There is a health and safety risk as, while using this location, as it is near a road, there may well be cars driving past while filming, however I am hoping it will be a quite road, which it usually is. I will be taking security checks throughout the shooting of this scene to ensure we can shoot safely and successfully.

Location 2 – Alleyway

This location will be shown throughout the middle scene of my five-minute production. Using this location, I can show the dangers of being on the streets in gang-ridden areas.  In this location Jamie will be stabbing an innocent young boy due to his orders from gang leader Olario. I will be constantly switching between Jamie and his victim to build tension within the audience as they come together.  This scene will feature non-diegetic sound, with a fast action music playing in order to help with that suspension building within the audience. While shooting this scene a knife will be used which brings an obvious health and safety risk to the set. To prevent this risk as much as possible we will place a plastic covering over the knife in order to make it less sharp. Again security checks will be taken throughout the shooting of this location to ensure we shoot safely and successfully.


Location 3 – Jamie’s house

This location will be used during the pre-stabbing and the after-stabbing. In this location I can reflect the background that Jamie has come from which actually is not lower class. I wanted to show that no matter what background you are from, you can still be involved in what would be deemed as ‘lower class’ activities such as gang related violence. In the first scene that this location is used Jamie will be in his bedroom, trying to build up the confidence to take the knife and go after his target. In this scene I will be using a lot of close-up shots of Jamie’s face, attempting to portray the emotions that he is feeling. During this scene, low-key diegetic sound will be heard.  The second time this location will be used is in Jamie’s bathroom, where he will be cleaning the knife after the stabbing.  This scene will feature more long shots to show Jamie’s full body language. In the scene more non-diegetic sound will be heard with slow low-key music to reflect the film coming towards an end. Similarly to the alleyway, a knife will be used in while shooting and therefore we have to be extremely careful when handling it. Security checks will be continued throughout the shooting.

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