Monday 18 May 2015

'Choice' Character Profiles - A2 Film Studies

Character Profiles – ‘Choice’


Character 1

Name: Jamie Thompson

Age: 17 Years old

Personality: A confused, scared and stressed teenager who has got himself involved with the wrong people. He isn’t a naturally bad person but gives in easily to peer pressure and doesn’t have the confidence to rebel against others.

Costume Representation: Scene 1 – wears scruffy school uniform, he is still a schoolboy reflecting that he is young and in danger of failing. Scene 2 and 3 – he will be wearing black clothing, putting on a hooded jumper showing that he is about to do something in which he doesn’t want to be seen. Jamie will be wearing the same clothes in scene 4.

Why I chose this character: I wanted a character that would represent the difficulties of trying to break free of the social stereotypes of a young male teen from a lower class area.


Character 2

Name: Olario

Age: 21

Personality: Olario is a boy who has chosen the wrong path in life and is now trying to influence others to do the same. He picks on younger teens because he knows they are vulnerable and easy to attain power over. Olario is an intimidating and loud character that feels like the world is against him.

Costume Representation: Olario will be represented wearing an all black suit with a tie. These clothes represent Olario as a character who feels he has power, he feels has made a success of him self but in reality this is a false representation.

Why I chose this character: I chose this character because I feel that through Olario, I can represent the type of character and personality that does exist within the London gang culture.

Character Comparison: Olario is similar in some ways to Sam from Kidulthood. Both characters are stereotypical lower class male teens who are intimidating, nasty bullies who don’t care about anything or anyone but themselves.


Character 3

Name: Tyler Johnson

Age: 17

Personality: Tyler is the unfortunate victim of the murder that Jamie is forced to do. He is equally as innocent and Jamie and has found himself come worse off in a gang related crime.

Costume Representation: Tyler will be wearing a tracksuit, which represents the way that he is lower class and trying to emulate other gang members, again showing how he does not have a mind of his own.

Why I chose this character: I chose this character because I wanted to show that unfortunately there always have to be a victim, and sometimes the victim is completely undeserving of what happens to them but in the modern gang culture that’s the way it has to be.

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